Safety/Environmental Management
We at Korea Movenex respect human life and feel a sense of social responsibility for the environment. We have established and are implementing an environmental policy to minimize our impact on the environment, from production to services.
Eco-friendly Management System
  • Environmental love

  • Country love

  • Family love

  • 1. Compliance with laws and requirements

    We comply with all requirements stipulated in environmental laws and regulations.

  • 2. Environmental pollution reduction and energy saving activities

    We carry out continuous improvements to save energy and reduce the environmental pollution such as air pollution and wastes generated from the development, production, and sales of our products.

  • 3. Achieve environmental results

    We establish and implement environmental goals to achieve effective environmental results.

  • 4. Operate an environmental system

    We operate an environmental system that reflects our organization's environmental factors, such as our activities, products, and services, in all business activities.

  • 5. Environmental education and training

    We provide education and training on our environmental policy to all our employees, organization members, and contractors in order for them to understand, implement, and maintain our policy.

  • 6. Maintenance of management transparency

    We maintain management transparency by opening our environmental management policy and related information to our stakeholders.

  • ISO 14001 : 2015